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Available Online

Connection Call

  • 45 minutes
  • Virtual

Service Description

Thank you for booking a Clarity Call. This call is for when you are struggling to choose a service, to discover how I can help you and if we are a good fit to work together. Should you need to reschedule please do so through the link provided, text, or email in 24 hrs before your scheduled appointment if possible. A helpful hint is to bring a list of concerns, wants, wishes, or questions so we can streamline our time together. A "to heal list" or "to know" list can be a great way to see what services to point you towards as well as time slots. Looking forward to our sitting together!

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please use the reschedule button or make every attempt through any and all means available, phone, email, text, social media 24 hours in advance. No shows no calls or not entitled to a refund or a forwarded cost for a reschedule. 
For 1:1 Sessions and Package Purchases you are granted opt-ins for reminders which are automatically sent to your email address with the additional option of SMS/TEXT reminders to support you.  You hereby agree and recognize that in the modern day and age, technology allows for multiple ways to contact and connect through zoom, facetime, social media, iphone, and android phones, public libraries and many other spaces that allow for privacy and connection, and free wifi without having to pay extra. If you need to reschedule your payment is forwarded and honored for that appointment. A no show no call is not entitled to a refund or forward of payment.

Contact Details

+ 6177850504

Massachusetts, USA

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